Fresh Fruit And Veg : Salisbury Market

We’re off to buy fresh fruit and veg tomorrow, at the Charter market, in Salisbury (South Wiltshire). It’s held on Tuesdays and Saturdays, throughout the year, and is the ideal place to buy local produce.

My partner is a vegetarian so she’ll be on the look out for some broad beans, if they’re in season and available. Maybe even some tenderstem broccolli and asparagus if she can find some.

Of course, there’s a lot more produce available than just fresh fruit and veg. You’ll also find plenty of meat products, bread, cheese, health foods, flowers and a whole lot more.

Fresh fruit and veg at Salisbury charter market

We usually drive down to the city centre at around 10am and find a space to park. We then walk through and area called The Maltings where there are some market stalls. One of those is called Central Fruits and my partner will usually have a good look to see what they have for sale.

If they don’t have anything then it’s a short walk over the river and through to the market square..

Fresh Fruit And Veg At Salisbury Market

Salisbury Charter market is packed with traders selling their produce and there will be other fruit and veg stalls such as The Happy Fruiters. It is usually very well attended, especially in the warmer weather. It’s very popular with local residents and I know of a fair few people who will travel here from other parts of Wiltshire and Hampshire.

It’s an ideal day out because you can also visit Salisbury Cathedral whilst they’re in the city.

Once we’ve had a good look around, and my partner has bought her fresh fruit and veg, we usually wander into the Old George Mall. It’s the main shopping area in Sailisbury.

After that, it’s off to meet some friends for coffee and to chat about what’s happening in the city.

If you’re after some fresh fruit and veg, why not visit our market.

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