Blog Writing In Retirement

Blog writing in retirement is a great way to exercise your mind, especially if you’ve been used to staying occupied all day at work. It’s a great way to spend some time and an effective way to keep your brain active. Not only is it fun but it doesn’t cost much money at all.

I know of many friends who have given up work. All of sudden, they don’t know what to do all day. Reading the newspaper or watching daytime TV will only take up so much time and it can be a job to know what else to do.

The thing I enjoy about blog writing in retirement is trying to decide on a new topic. I usually go for something related to where I live. In my case, it’s the Cathedral City of Salisbury so I’m spoilt for choice.

The photo in this post is of Salisbury Cathedral and I’m sure that it’s been the subject of many blog posts over the years. I’ve read quite a few and some of them are excellent. If you need some inspiration, look some up.

Blog Writing In Retirement

Something that I think adds to to the value of a blog post is a photo or two. If you have a camera then an interesting photograph will be appreciated by your readers. You may just have the one on your phone but they can be very good.

I have a Samsung A21s and the photo quality is very good, especially for something so small. I also have an old Nikon Coolpix L810 but it’s quite chunky and not pocket friendly. I’m currently looking for a nice compact digital camera but there’s so many to chose from.

Blog Writing In Retirement : How To Start

Would you like to know how to start blogging?. Are you a budding writer that would like to publish articles online?. Are you looking for an interesting retirement hobby?. How about becoming an amateur blogger?

If it’s something that interests you, you’ll need somewhere to share your content. You might already have a website such as WordPress so you can start at any time.. If you have a web hosting contract then you maybe able to get it installed.

Should you be interested then you could visit or and read all about it. It may not be the right hobby for you but it’s certainly worth investigating. Blog writing in retirement certainly works for me and I shall continue posting articles that may be of interest.

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